Mrs. Katie Stewart » Art (Grades 6-8)

Art (Grades 6-8)

Art courses are a semester long. During the course, students will complete lessons on elements of art and principles of design and then use this learning to design and improve their art projects. Projects will be done in a variety of media types to give students experience with different types of art making skills. Students will also practice art piece analysis and critique while studying current and historical artists. Each year there is an art content based theme that shapes how course information is presented and used in projects. 
Course Focus:
  • 6th Grade - Elements of Art
  • 7th Grade - Principles of Design
  • 8th Grade - Themes and Media
There is a $5.00 fee for taking art. 
This fee covers the supplies and equipment used by each student during the course of the class. 
Art Room Rules:
  1. Be prepared.
  2. Act and speak appropriately at all times. 
  3. Do your best while doing all your work. 
  4. Use all materials safely and for their intended purpose.
  5. Make the room a safe place for everyone. 
Art Room Expectations:
  1. Work in a timely manner
  2. Do your best effort
  3. Be inspired and engaged with class
  4. Ask questions
  5. Follow all rules, procedures, and teacher instructions
Consequences for Student Misbehavior:
  1. Verbal Warning
  2. Verbal Warning + Removal of a distraction or object/person causing the issue
  3. Call or Text Home to Parent/Guardian
  4. Detention (one time only)
  5. Discipline Referral
*Consequences subject to change (proceed more quickly) if the severity of the misbehavior requires additional response from school administration.