Mrs. Katie Stewart » Arts in Basic Curriculum (ABC)

Arts in Basic Curriculum (ABC)

Arts in Basic Curriculum Certified School
Arts in Basic Curriculum Certification is a program run by the ABC Institute in which schools can apply and submit a portfolio to go through the certification process. Long Middle School has earned Arts in Basic Curriculum (ABC) Certification status through our portfolio submission and school wide interview and it will remain active for the next 3 years until we recertify. This certification status allows us to apply for the ABC Advancement Grant which brings in funds each year we remain certified. 
The goal of the ABC Advancement Grant is to strengthen arts programs, increase arts integration in core classrooms and provide opportunities for students to participate in arts-based activities. To ensure we are meeting the goals of the grant, LMS has developed our strategic plan to show where we plan to use the funds in the upcoming school years. 
The LMS Strategic Plan for the ABC Advancement Grant is reviewed and updated every year by our ABC Steering Committee. The ABC Steering Committee at LMS is made up of the ABC Advancement Grant Manager for LMS (Katie Stewart), LMS Administration (Caroline Caldwell), the Grade Level Chairs, Parents, and Community Members. 
2023-2024 ABC Steering Committee Meetings:
  • Held in the LMS Media Center at 3:30 p.m.
  • August 22, 2023
  • October 24, 2023
  • January 23, 2024
  • April 23, 2024
Below, you will find a copy of our current strategic plan. We try to meet as many goals on it as possible each year. Based on what we are able to accomplish we update the plan. Additionally, we collect documentation (called artifacts) that show how we have achieved these goals. Our ABC Steering Committee will also review these artifacts to reflect on how well we have achieved these goals or if improvements are possible. This information guides how we make adjustments to the goals on our strategic plan. 
We are currently looking for more parents and community members to serve on our ABC Steering Committee. If you would like to volunteer to be part of this committee, please contact Katie Stewart at [email protected] or 843-910-6168.