NEW Tardy Procedure

Students are expected to arrive at Long Middle before 7:50 A.M. Students must be signed into school at the Main Office if they arrive after the 7:50 A.M. bell. If this tardiness becomes habitual, corrective measures will be taken. In the event of a late bus arrival, students will not be marked tardy.

Adequate time is allowed for students to change classes, visit lockers, and use the restroom facilities. Students are expected to be in their seats and ready to begin work when class begins. An unexcused tardy to class is cause for corrective action by the teacher or the office. Students who are repeatedly late may receive a disciplinary consequence.

If a student continues to be tardy there will be the following disciplinary consequences.

At least 3 tardies                                parent contact
6th tardy                                                1 full lunch detention
9th tardy                                                2 full lunch detentions
12th tardy                                             1 after-school detention and a Truancy Plan Meeting
15th tardy and beyond                 2 after-school detentions

The school administration reserves the right to monitor and adjust policies and procedures as needed.